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Vipond Systems

Vipond Systems canada

Strategic relationships

AsherLogic Ltd Vipond Partnership

AsherLogic Limited is affiliated to VIPOND SYSTEMS INC. CANADA, the foremost Fire and Security Systems in North America. Vipond is a leading provider of integrated system products and services in the global marketplace. The program is a critical component of our turnkey system installations.


Vipond is a leading provider of integrated system products and services in the global marketplace. The program is a critical component of our turnkey system installations. Vipond has built a strong team of professionals with a dedication to excellence. We have worked to implement many high profile system solutions.

Requirements Gathering: Through detailed client interviews, site surveys, analyses and industry reviews. Vipond can provide proven recommendations on system functionality, operational procedures. and equipment specifications. Our teams have the experience and expertise to add real value in the design of well-researched system solutions.
Systems Design: From our analysis of the clients’ needs, the Vipond team will develop a conceptual system solution – before any engineering takes place. Then once accepted, the system can be engineered to meet the requirements. The conceptual design includes, at a minimum: system block diagrams, integration functional requirements and operational descriptions.
Systems Engineering: By defining the various systems to be deployed to meet a particular need and reviewing how they are integrated. Vipond ensures that the right partners arc presented to the client. Combining the capabilities of our products and partners, Vipond will design a total system solution that meets the customers’ requirements. With many years of expertise in large-scale system implementations, Vipond adds true value.
Applications Engineering: Detailed applications engineering is then undertaken – system design & integration, intercom systems, elevator control, cable & conduit systems, door control and low voltage systems, to name but a few of the many subsystems. Our experienced and knowledgeable applications engineering team delivers the CAD services and Shop Drawings (as well as many ad-hoc application solutions) to the Project Team.
CAD Services: Vipond has developed the talent and invested in the infrastructure to provide system design & documentation services for all major projects. During the system design phase of the project (which often precedes contract award), riser diagrams, typical device drawings, wiring diagrams, floor- plan & device location drawings and console layouts are prepared. That way, Vipond communicates with its clients, its own project teams, suppliers and other partners 8C contractors with exact installation requirements & expectations. Vipond works in Visio, AutoCAD and other drawing applications. as determined by the customer and other stakeholders in the project.
Shop Drawings: Shop Drawings represent the critical post-contract award documentation package. Accurate and professional shop draw ings will provide the customer with a dear and concise dcscrip tion of the system, its components and how they are integrated, and the expectations of Vipond with respect to partners and contractors also working on the project. The Vipond Shop Drawing package includes the items listed on the right side of this page.

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